Herald of Shalia 2 Page 3
“I don’t care about that,” Lyra whined. “That’s between you and Ena.”
“You said you’d marry us,” Renna pouted while completely ignoring his objections. “You said you’d do anything to make us happy. Marriage will make us happy.”
“Even if I have a hundred other wives?” Frost asked defiantly. “I’m sure…”
“Even if you had a thousand wives,” Callie said.
“Even if you had a hundred thousand wives,” Lyra added while gently scraping her nails across his chest.
“Even if you had a million wives,” Renna said as she buried her face in his neck.
“Fuck! You’re all crazy. You’re only saying that because I’m the only man available,” Frost groaned as the women all stared at him. “If there were hundreds of elf men running around…”
“I’d still want you,” Renna moaned in his ear. “I only want you. Don’t you want me? If you had a hundred elves to choose from, wouldn’t you choose me? I love you so much.”
“Fuck,” Frost groaned as she began nibbling on his earlobe. “Quit that.”
“Everybody else hates us,” Renna whined sexily while grinding her hips against his thigh. “Nobody will ever love us as much as you.”
He always hated when the elves said things like that because it made him feel like he was taking advantage of them.
The elves in his village were believed to be cursed for surviving plagues, famines, and wars so everywhere they went they were abused. There were elves in Pluma village twice his age that were so desperate to be loved that simply cuddling with them made them so happy they cried.
“You’re amazing,” Frost reassured Renna as the petite elf moaned in his ear. “You can do better.”
“I don’t want to do better. I want you,” Renna whimpered while biting his earlobe. “I love you, accept it. Accept the fact that we want you.”
“She’s right you know,” Lyra said seductively. “You should be more like me. I savor the fact that everybody loves me.”
“We all hate you,” Renna growled.
“You didn’t hate me last night,” Lyra grinned naughtily.
“The marks around your neck suggest otherwise,” Frost teased while running his finger along her bruised collar. The image of Renna forcefully choking Lyra popped into his mind and as shameful as it was, it was turning him on.
“Hm?” Callie smiled and looked around sneakily as she started slowly rocking back and forth. The violet-haired elf bit her bottom lip to quiet herself as she tried not to draw attention.
“The marks are proof that she still loves me,” Lyra whispered in Frost’s ear while grinning smugly at Renna. “She’s just furious that I choose Callie over her and now she has to live with that old crone in the temple.”
“I’m happy to live in the temple,” Renna said haughtily as her leg bumped against Callie. She grinned salaciously as she realized what was going on. “Very happy.”
“Herald Frost,” Lyra slid her hand up and down his body as she caught on as well. “Would you like to continue where we left off last night?”
“Where we left off?” Frost asked as Lyra reached over the edge of the bed and picked up some bindings and a blindfold. “Oh. Well, I mean, since we’re all awake anyway…”
“Where is that elf-fucking bastard!” Brynn’s voice echoed from outside. “Renna! I know you’re with him you long-eared skank! You have ten seconds to get out here before I come looking for you!”
“Shit,” Frost grumbled while jumping out of bed practically launching Callie off of him. He rummaged around in search of his pants and quickly put them on while smiling nervously at the elves. He looked at Renna as the green-haired elf pretended not to hear the yelling outside. “Are you coming? She called you by name.”
“I didn’t hear anything after elf-fucking bastard,” Renna said feigning innocence.
“I didn’t hear her name called either,” Lyra smiled while running a finger up Renna’s ear. The blue-haired seductress slid her free hand between Callie’s legs. “Would you like to stay for breakfast Renna?”
“Herald Frost,” Renna smiled nervously at him as Lyra simultaneously teased both her and Callie. “It’d be rude for me to leave after...”
“Have fun,” Frost sighed while wishing he could join in as he left the small house.
Brynn was waiting in the central garden of the village and looked like she was just about ready to start kicking down doors as Frost emerged from Lyra’s house. Lysandra was standing next to the petite bard attempting to keep her calm as Frost cautiously approached them.
Brynn was a beautiful short slender human woman with boyish black hair and dark eyes while Lysandra was an elegant tall curvy elf with long white hair and amethyst eyes. So, when the two of them stood next to each other it sort of looked like a demon standing next to an angel.
Frost felt Brynn’s dark gaze following his every move as he approached the scowling woman. The petite bard crossed her arms and glared at him judgmentally as she waited for an explanation as to why he never came to bed.
“I did warn you that I’d make an awful husb…”
“Kiss me handsome,” the slender bard interrupted as he arrived in front of her. “Now.”
“Oh,” Frost smiled as he leaned down to kiss his beautiful princess. Brynn aggressively slipped her tongue into his mouth and swirled it around like she was searching for something. She must have found it because the next thing he knew Brynn’s hand gripped his balls with malicious intent. “Brynn…”
“All I asked was not on our wedding day handsome,” Brynn growled while increasing the pressure. “I let you fuck whoever you want, whenever you want. Tomorrow you can fuck every elf in the village one after another to celebrate if you want. I asked was for this one day to feel special. Was that really too much…”
“I didn’t,” Frost insisted while standing completely still. “I did last night. But not this morning.”
“I believe Herald Frost is telling the truth,” Lysandra smiled while pointing at the outline of his cock. The gorgeous amethyst-eyed elf priestess placed her hand on Brynn’s shoulder. “Lady Brynn, before you do anything rash consider that you may actually want to use that tonight.”
“She has a good point,” Frost said calmly.
“Not today handsome,” Brynn said authoritatively while tightening her grip just enough to let him know she meant business. “We have an agreement. You marry me, you live with me, you lay with me, you love me. If you want to sleep with elves or anybody else, you can. But I want this one day to celebrate us. After today you can go back to your normal antics. Understood?”
“Understood,” Frost laughed apprehensively while waiting for the petite bard to release her grip. “I love you?”
“Was that a question or a statement?” Brynn smirked and waited for an answer, enjoying that she literally had him by the balls. “Think carefully before you answer handsome.”
“I love you,” Frost said confidently while running his fingers through her short black hair. She was trying to grow it out again but hair could only grow so much in a month. He didn’t really care but he knew it was something she was self-conscious about. Traveling through Zira disguised as a man left her a little insecure about her femininity. The curvaceous elves constantly wandering around didn’t really help either. “Obviously it was a statement.”
“You’re lucky you’re sexy because you are going to be the worst husband,” Brynn blushed while releasing her grip. “Now, do you remember the rules for today?”
“Rules?” Frost teased while smiling flirtatiously. “All I can think about is finally getting to make love to my beautiful wife.”
“So, you do remember,” Brynn smiled while poking his chest.
He liked to tell himself that he was marrying the petite beauty because she saved his life and he owed her, and that may have been true initially, but he couldn’t deny his growing feelings toward her.
He didn’t care that she was princess of Zira or that she was a talented bard. And she was certainly talented. Her support magic was amazing and her lullabies were some of the most beautiful songs he’d ever heard. She was kind, confident, and fun to be around. Sure, she was a little overbearing, but it wasn’t like she ever demanded anything unreasonable, excluding the marriage itself obviously.
The least he could do was make sure the day went off without a hitch. All he had to do was not sleep with anybody else, compliment her, and look handsome. There was also another stipulation to not cause any trouble with the visiting nobles, but that one came with an asterisk.
Even if Brynn was marrying the elf-fucking Herald of Shalia, she was still a princess and it was still a royal wedding. The nobles didn’t have much choice but to attend.
“So,” Frost said pensively. “About the not causing any trouble rule, remind me how that works again?”
“Fiora has the nobles on a tight leash,” Brynn smirked. “After the chimera attack last week, I think she realized how badly she needs you until the Blackwater territory gets a real monster elimination force up and running.”
“But if they do start trouble?” Frost asked.
“You’re allowed to finish it,” Brynn laughed and shook her head. “But I promise that nobody will harm your elves.”
“Lady Brynn,” Lysandra wrapped her arms around the petite woman. The gorgeous high-priestess was surprisingly excited to perform the marriage ceremony, even if she had to share the pulpit with a Ziran Priest to accommodate Brynn’s beliefs. “You’re going to make such a good queen someday!”
“Ly-n-dr,” Brynn mumbled as Lysandra smothered her face in her ample chest. The slender dark-haired bard wiggled free and gasped for air. “I’m not even in the running for the throne. Even with a herald as a husban
d there are five better candidates.”
“Try six,” Slade appeared out of nowhere. He smiled as he eyed up Brynn in her white slip. “That what you’re fuckin’ wearing? I guess we should be thankful the rabbit-fucker isn’t making you wear a fur dress to tickle his fancy.”
“Baron Slade,” Lysandra nodded politely.
“You invited him?” Frost asked while staring at the foul-mouthed ninja. Slade was so handsome it was absurd. Perfect long silver hair and the most handsome face Frost had ever seen. But none of that mattered when the crass bastard opened his mouth. It was like listening to the lead singer of a boy band go on a foul-mouthed rant.
“Slade’s to be on his best behavior,” Brynn shot him a threatening glance. “Princess Fiora promised. Isn’t that right Baron Slade?”
“That’s right,” Slade said clearly struggling not to say something rude. “Although threatening to invite that evil cunt was bad fucking form.”
“That evil cunt is your wife,” Brynn smirked. “I’m sure she wouldn’t like to hear how you’re talking about her.”
“Like I give a fuck about that,” Slade scoffed. “That bitch is colder than yeti’s ballsack. I married her for the fucking title.”
“Then why is inviting her a threat?” Frost asked.
“Politics,” Brynn shrugged. “It’s a bit complicated but while Slade is a noble, he’s a lesser noble’s illegitimate son and the title of Baron was earned through marriage. If the baroness were to divorce him, he’d lose his land, titles, and a significant portion of his wealth. But, for reasons they’re not generally permitted to be near each other. As I said, it’s complicated.”
“Nothing complicated about it,” Slade said coldly. “Isabelle needs me. Until there’s a time where she doesn’t fucking need me, she’s going to block that divorce. The compromise is we keep to our fucking selves.”
“You’re right,” Frost nodded. “Not complicated at all. And it explains why you were sent to Blackwater with Fiora.”
“Speaking of her royal cuntness, she’ll be arriving in the afternoon,” Slade said. “Which is why I’m here so fucking early. I need to search the area. Normally I’d just fucking do it without saying anything but since I’m in an allied territory, well, fucking politics.”
“Right,” Frost nodded. “It’s fine. Just don’t bother anybody.”
“The animals in your zoo won’t even know I’m fuckin’ here elf-fucker,” Slade said smugly as he vanished.
“He’s interesting,” Lysandra said politely. “Don’t let Renna near him. Her language is bad enough as is.”
“I really want to learn how he does that,” Frost said while sorting through his own abilities. He’d practiced stealth quite a bit with Renna but the ability didn’t function anything like Slade’s. Stealth merely gave him a sense of the best places to walk in order to remain hidden while Slade could outright vanish. “Is it magic?”
“Think so,” Brynn answered. “I know that ninja is a difficult class to unlock. At the very least it requires thief, sniper, and assassin to all be mastered. I believe there are some magic using classes that need to be mastered as well.”
“Who do you think would win in a fight?” Frost asked curiously. “Me or Slade.”
“You,” Brynn said cheerfully. “Even Slade admitted that you terrify him.”
“But we’re pretty close in levels and he has a lot more abilities,” Frost said pensively. “I’m still a fighter. Nothing really amazing about that.”
“Don’t underestimate yourself handsome,” Brynn said as they headed toward the temple. Most of the village was still waking up so it was a short peaceful walk. “You have a way of using your abilities that’s unique to heralds. Just look at the village. Every one of the elves has gained one or two levels in a month since you arrived. Do you have any idea how amazing that is?”
“It really is,” Lysandra faked a smile while walking next to him. “Everybody keeps talking about it.”
“Lysandra,” Frost grabbed the elf’s waist and pulled her close. “I couldn’t do anything without your help. You’re the one that listens to their problems and keeps them all happy. All I did was teach them a system for hunting in parties.”
“You’re really frustrating handsome,” Brynn laughed as she opened the door to the temple. “You have no idea how much I wish I had training like yours when I was younger. Your system is seriously on par with the Royal Academy of Zira with a fraction of the resources.”
They passed through the large double doors of the temple and entered the main hall. Really it was more like a dining hall or a tavern than a main hall. There was a large wooden stage at the far side of the table-filled room and a wooden bar off to the right. Next to the bar was an open archway that led to the kitchen and storage rooms. And the wooden staircase on the left side of the main hall led upstairs to the bedrooms.
“My lord!” Jasmine practically mauled Frost as she leapt from the stairs. The cat-eared Myrran playfully licked his neck before glancing at Brynn like she’d done something wrong. “I’m so sorry, it was a reflex.”
“The rule is no sex,” Brynn said while looking at Frost like he was at fault for the orange-haired woman’s actions. The athletic cat-girl was wearing a white flowy camisole and lacy boy shorts. He resisted the urge to squeeze her athletic ass while she hugged him. “So, it’s fine.”
“Really?” Frost wrapped an arm around Jasmine’s waist and smiled as he pulled her close. Her striped tail flailed excitedly as he moved in like he was going to kiss the green-eyed Myrran. “So, what exactly constitutes…”
“Don’t push your luck handsome,” Brynn warned while trying not to smile. “It’s hard enough being the only person in this village not allowed to have sex without you teasing me about it all the time.”
“That’s self-inflicted,” Frost laughed while releasing Jasmine. “I’d be fine if you weren’t a virgin.”
“I might not look the part but I’m still a princess,” Brynn huffed. “There are expectations.”
“What are you talking about?” Frost smirked while grabbing Brynn’s narrow waist. Her white slip was so soft and thin it was like he was holding her directly. “You definitely look like a princess to me.”
“You’re doing a good job on the complimenting sexy,” Brynn winked at him while pushing him off. “But we need to start getting ready. The wedding is in six hours and guests will probably start arriving in four or five hours”
“I’m so excited!” Jasmine yelled. “A royal wedding! Everybody is going to be so jealous!”
“What should I do?” Frost grinned knowing full well his responsibilities were all taken care of. “All that’s left for me is look handsome and stand at the altar, right?”
“And don’t forget to keep your cock in your pants,” Brynn said authoritatively. “You know what, on second thought.” Brynn walked to the temple door and poked her head out. “Commander Grey! We need your assistance!”
“A babysitter?” Frost laughed as Brynn came prancing back in. “Seriously?”
“I think it’s a very good idea,” Lysandra said supportively while glancing at Frost’s pants. “Especially after the close call this morning.”
“How do you even know there was a close call?” Frost asked defensively.
“Herald Frost,” Lysandra smiled at him knowingly.
“His only job will be to make sure you don’t sleep with anybody between now and the ceremony. After that, I’ll keep an eye on you myself.”
“I don’t need him to keep an eye on me,” Frost insisted. “I can just sit in the study and do some reading and writing.”
“Frost!” Zinnia and Iris yelled excitedly as they rushed down the stairs in their underwear. The dog-eared Durra and bunny-eared Florenne wrapped their arms around him while nuzzling him affectionally. “You’re getting married!”
Zinnia’s lewd body pressed against him and he suddenly thought that maybe having a babysitter was a good idea. The dog-eared woman’s tail wagged excitedly as her large chest practically popped out of her undersized black bra and panties. The summer sun darkened her tan and left sexy tan-lines which drew his gaze to places he wasn’t supposed to be looking.