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Herald of Shalia 2
Herald of Shalia 2 Read online
Let's Have Some Fun!
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
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Let's Have Some Fun!
That's our goal here. On it's surface it sounds good, right? Everybody likes fun! Well, it's important to clarify that when we say fun we're not talking about family board game night. We're talking over the top explicit content. Now, once again you're probably thinking that sounds good, right? Well, we really want to emphasize over the top really means over the top. This book is meant for adults. You've been warned.
Other Series
Herald of Shalia Series
Herald of Shalia Book 1
Herald of Shalia Book 2
Herald of Shalia Book 3 (Coming Soon!)
Forbidden Arcana Series
Jinx (Book 1)
Ariel (Book 2)
Mirage (Book 3)
Theia (Book 4)
Sable (Book 5)
Luna (Book 6)
Talia (Book 7)
Morgana (Book 8)
Valaria (Book 9)
Arcana Slice of Life Series
Animal Magnetism (After Sable)
Rank Zero (After Morgana)
It was just an ordinary summer day.
Frost laid down on the soft grass in the southern part of his territory as the sound of golems erupting from the earth echoed through the air. And as he baked under the hot summer sun, his mind wandered to how little he’d accomplished in the previous month.
“So much for plans,” Frost sighed as a warm wind blew across his naked chest.
“Huh?” Fayeth glanced at Frost as she loosed an arrow at the large stone monster looming in the distance. “What’s that now Herald Frost?”
The lovely blonde elf smiled politely at him while preparing to fire another shot from her elegant longbow. The golden weapon was covered in carvings of nymphs and suited the emerald-eyed archer nicely. She wore a brown corset which made her already ample chest look larger and an obscenely short leather wrap skirt. Fayeth finished her outfit with thigh-high leather boots and a pair of leather half gloves.
The armor was almost useless defensively, but in the game-like world he’d been summoned into, defense was only one factor to take into consideration. While defense and magic resistances were impacted by armor, it could also enhance other abilities.
Fayeth’s lascivious armor significantly enhanced her accuracy as well as her archery abilities.
“Just lamenting my lack of progress on the village again,” Frost smiled while gesturing in the direction of the golem. “Focus up or we’ll be out here all day.”
“Oh,” Fayeth’s long braided ponytail swayed back and forth as she shook her head at him. “That again.”
He expected things to be easier than they were. The goddess Shalia blessed him with a high-level in a world based on game rules, so he figured everything would be simple. It only made killing simple.
But he was still grateful.
Frost appreciated the immense power and amazing physique he was granted even if he found himself continually unsatisfied by his lack of knowledge. He never realized how much of his intelligence came from his ability to look up answers in a search engine. It was a frustrating truth to acknowledge.
It seemed that every idea he had was great until he realized he had no idea how plumbing worked or how to generate electricity. Even building a road connecting Pluma village to Filan would have required knowledge of how to make cement or spending months manually laying bricks.
“Shit, I probably would have had to cut the bricks to,” Frost laughed to himself while enjoying the relaxing warmth. He unscrewed his canteen and took a drink as he imagined himself making bricks. “How the hell do you even make a brick? It is just cement poured into a mold, right?”
Frost’s only real option was somehow earning enough rel to hire tradesmen to do the work for him. To that end, he was happy to accept the odd monster hunting contract from the neighboring country of Zira.
Princess Fiora Leaucault, the new governor of Zira’s Blackwater territory, regularly hired him to eliminate monsters since she lacked a proper monster elimination force. Fiora payed handsomely for his assistance and the trips allowed him to gain some experience toward level sixty-one. As an added bonus he got to keep any rare materials he found on the monsters. In the end, it hardly even felt like work.
What did feel like work was dealing with Filan.
He requested the small riverside village as part of his territory because the elves traded regularly with the humans there and he felt it would be good to bring them in the fold. He never anticipated that as their new ruler he would be called there constantly to mediate stupid disputes.
“How much longer are we going to be out here?” Renna whined while jumping on Frost. The petite green-eyed elf straddled his waist and grabbed the canteen from his hand. Beads of sweat rolled down her sexy bare midriff as she tilted her head back and gulped down the water. She tugged her green tube top and splashed some of the water on her short green hair before shaking her head like a dog. “It’s hot out and I’m tired.”
“Until we’re done with training,” Frost said while eying her slender tan body as salacious thoughts filled his mind. Renna in particular seemed to tan extremely well and Frost couldn’t help but get distracted by her well-defined tan lines. “You need to be able to protect the village.”
“But we have you for that!” Renna whined while leaning down and wrapping her arms around him. Her sweaty body pressed against him as she licked his neck. “Let’s skip training today and find a nice shady spot to have some fun!”
Frost wanted to take her up on the offer but once the elf thief got started, she didn’t stop until she was ready to pass out. He had no real objections to a life of eating, sleeping, playing, and fucking. But he needed to make sure they could defend themselves.
There were six countries on the continent of Kal and Pluma territory was stuck between the two largest ones, Zira to the east and Rilia to the west. Zira was a reluctant ally at best and Rilia was governed by a psychotic warlord. North of both of them was Balar, a country that worshipped the war god Tarr, and curving along the western and northern edges of Balar was the mountainous country of Alta.
The countries in the south were smaller than the northern ones and their weather was apparently amazing. Niri was made up of a small peninsula and several islands located to the southwest of Rilia while Seera was a large forested region located directly south of Zira.
Every one of the countries worshipped their own gods or goddesses and they all agreed the world of Nivara would be better off without the cursed followers of Shalia. Which was why Frost insisted that the elves train and become stronger.
“Get back here you little bitch or we’re going to be here all day!” Ena roared while crashing against the golem with her steel kite shield.
Frost regretted asking the stunning blonde elf to s
wap from the cleric class to squire but not for moral reasons. He missed her nearly transparent cleric robes and her plate armor just left far too much to the imagination. Instead of the curves of her gorgeous body all he got to admire was a giant ironclad elf wearing an open-faced helmet with holes for her long pointy ears.
Ena had always been under the assumption that she had to choose between being a warrior or a healer. When Frost suggested there might be a class that would give her the ability to both protect the elves and care for them, nothing could have stopped the headstrong elf from trying to unlock it.
Frost had no idea if paladin even existed as a class in Nivara but Ena was working tirelessly to find out. She already learned healing and defensive magic as a cleric, now she was learning to protect her friends in battle as a squire.
“Get, over, here, now!” Ena shouted furiously. “Or I’ll bash your damn head in!”
“Stop yelling!” Renna rolled her eyes as she jumped off of Frost and rushed back toward the golem. “I’m coming you pent up shrew!”
“I’m not pent up!” Ena said while smashing into the golem’s leg. The cerulean-eyed elf shot Renna a vicious look as she backed up to prepare another shield bash.
“Oh,” Fayeth laughed while firing an arrow that bounced off the golem’s head. “You definitely are.”
“I am not!” Ena roared as her shield crashed against the rock monster. “It’s because I’m the one doing all the hard work!”
“Erissa is the one keeping him paralyzed so you can keep running into him,” Fayeth teased. “I’d say she’s doing most of the work.”
“I’m really not doing much,” Erissa said timidly while taking a sip of water from the canteen. The azure-haired cleric was sweating through her robes and Frost could see the blue-eyed elf’s underwear perfectly. She blushed and covered her lacy teal panties as she caught him staring at her backside. “Herald Frost!”
“What?” Frost chuckled as he admired her lingerie. There was no way that Erissa didn’t know what she was doing. The seductive elf knew what she was doing when she chose to wear lewd lingerie under her priestly raiment’s. Her blue lace panties barely covered her ass and her matching corset significantly enhanced her already plentiful chest. The matching garter belt and leggings were just icing on an already voluptuous cake. “It’s not like I haven’t seen you naked.”
“It’s not the same!” Erissa said as she looked away in embarrassment.
While he hadn’t made much progress on the village, he did make quite a bit of progress with the elves. Their training was coming along nicely thanks to him creating party systems allowing them to safely farm experience. Although forming groups with tanks and support classes seemed obvious to him.
It wasn’t the first time Frost felt that way. The knowledge gaps in the world regularly surprised him and the most glaring example was how ineffectively the elves used magic.
The paralyze spell for example. As long as the target had lower mental capacity than the user, the target would be frozen. It was one of the first spells a cleric learned which made the fact they never thought of using it in combat incredible.
“It worked again!” Erissa hopped excitedly as the newly spawned golem stood still. It was level fifteen and Erissa was successfully paralyzing it despite being lower level. While the golem boasted high physical resistance and near immunity to bladed weapons, it was pretty much defenseless against the spell. “I can’t believe it! It’s even higher level than the last one!”
Magic was similar to combat abilities except instead of learning how to use a weapon, Frost learned to read runes. To learn priest spells, he used some ability points to level Runic Mastery: Divine to four allowing him to learn basic spells from Lysandra’s spellbooks. The easiest spells were thirty to forty runes long so he really appreciated having spellbooks to reference.
The alternative to spellbooks was spending months or years experimenting until he found the right combination of runes. Frost couldn’t even fathom how long it must have taken Lysandra to accumulate all of her spells. Which only made it more aggravating that she never thought of using paralyze against monsters with low mental power.
“You’re doing a good job,” Frost said as he stood up and stretched before walking over to the salaciously dressed cleric. He grinned and gave the blue-haired beauty a supportive slap on the backside.
“Herald Frost!” Erissa laughed. “You know that distracts me!”
The azure-eyed cleric used to be an archer but thanks to his restructuring of hunting parties Erissa was able to swap to a cleric. While she never had much talent as an archer, she was a fantastic cleric and in only two weeks she’d gained two levels. Which was amazing considering it previously took the twenty-four-year-old elf years to reach level seven.
“Ena,” Frost said as the armored blonde elf stepped up to the enormous golem. “Be sure to shield bash at least ten times before you start hitting him. Anything over ten...”
“I’m not stupid!” Ena said angrily as she started running into the golem with her shield. While it looked ridiculous from an outside observer, every rush gained her a healthy amount of experience in the shield bash ability but every repeated hit after ten suffered from diminished returns. “And why am I the only one doing anything again?”
“Have you been taking nagging lessons from the high priestess?” Renna teased, appearing behind the golem and stabbing him several times. Her slashes didn’t do much damage but the thief gained a good amount of experience in the dagger ability with each strike. “Better watch out or you’re going to be a lonely dried-up old hag just like her!”
“I’m only thirty-five!” Ena snapped while smashing the golem another time.
“And you still haven’t been with a man,” Renna said mockingly. “Poor pent up Ena! Maybe if you asked nicely for once Herald Frost could help you with that.”
“I told you I don’t want him!” Ena roared while bashing the golem so hard Frost thought it might fall over. “I’m going to meet a nice elf who appreciates me! Not a human that fucks anyone that lets him!”
“Anyone but you,” Fayeth teased while firing a barrage of arrows. Frost nodded approvingly at the beautiful blonde archer as she nocked another arrow.
“And that’s why you’re going to end up old and dried up like Lysandra,” Renna laughed, chipping the golem a few more times before rushing away.
“I hate you all so much!” Ena yelled while swapping to her spiked steel cudgel.
“Stop teasing her,” Frost laughed as the green-haired thief dashed over to him for another drink of water. Frost playfully slid his hand across the tanned elf’s sweat covered midriff as she guzzled from the canteen. “What level is your dagger ability now?”
“Six,” Renna answered while playfully running her free hand up and down his chest. “But I’m really close to gaining some more points in it!”
“Then keep going,” Frost smirked and gave her athletic ass a playful squeeze.
Renna only gained one level in the last few weeks but the mischievous elf gained more ability levels than anybody else. Lysandra threatened to lock her out of her bedroom causing the rebellious thief to spend a good portion of her free time practicing her lockpicking and stealth abilities.
“Will you reward me if I level?” Renna asked while seductively pressing her lean body against him.
“We’ll see,” Frost laughed as the impish elf rushed back toward the golem.
The elves were leveling quickly but at their current rates it’d still be a while before they could protect themselves. Unfortunately, there wasn’t really a way to speed it up unless they started hunting even more powerful monsters.
There were lots of ways to gain experience like completing tasks, harvesting materials, or crafting goods but hunting monsters was the fastest. The more powerful the monsters, the more experience you gained.
As for ability levels, they could either be really easy to attain or really difficult depending on the ability. If it was an eas
ily repeatable task that wasn’t time consuming, it was easy to gain ability points toward leveling. If it was something like disarming an opponent, it was quite a bit harder since most monsters weren’t carrying weapons.
“Idiot,” Frost grumbled to himself as he tried not to think about his stupid mistakes.
He deeply regretted using his free ability points on so many easily leveled combat abilities. Just thinking about how he wasted fifty-five ability points leveling swordsmanship made him want to travel back in time and kick himself square in the taint.
There were two types of ability points, free and restricted. Free ability points were primarily earned by leveling up and could be used to level any ability. You could literally become a master swordsman in a matter of minutes. Restricted ability points were earned by performing actions and could only be used to level abilities related to those actions. Naturally, free points were far more valuable.
In the last month he’d gained nearly seventy restricted points in swordsmanship while hunting high-level monsters in Zira. That wasn’t even counting the other restricted points he gained in dodge, block, archery, precision, and all of the other combat abilities. He’d wasted over five hundred free ability points on easily leveled abilities. Just thinking about it made him furious with himself.
“Yes!” Renna said while stabbing at the golem. “Almost there!”
“You know you spoil her,” Fayeth said calmly as she fired an arrow into the golem’s eye dealing massive damage. The busty blonde archer loved the new group since she could sit back and fire arrows rather than get chased around by the monsters she was attacking. “I’ve gained more levels than Renna and you never reward me.”
“I’ve gained more levels than you,” Ena growled as she beat on the golem with her steel cudgel. Every powerful swing of her weapon took another enormous chunk out of the stone goliath. “And I changed classes! And I protect you! And I have to wear this plate armor while baking in the sun!”