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Herald of Shalia 2 Page 5
Herald of Shalia 2 Read online
Page 5
“Mmhm,” Frost grinned while eyeing up her fluffy red tails. “You look pretty soft.”
“Herald Frost,” Madam Gardenia grinned wickedly. “It’s your wedding day. But if you visit me in Blackwater another time, I’ll be happy to let you find out how soft I am for yourself.”
“He hasn’t slept with anybody in the ten minutes since I left, has he?” Commander Grey said as he approached with Priscilla following behind him. The ambassador bowed politely at the fox-eared madam.
“A few more minutes alone and he might have,” the fox-eared madam winked at him. “But no, Herald Frost has been ever the gentleman.”
“Good,” Commander Grey stepped between the two before turning to the madam. “Madam Gardenia, I apologize for my earlier remarks, they were in poor taste.”
“And?” Priscilla said, clearly acting at the behest of Lady Grey. “What else?”
“We’re honored to accommodate you and your fine ladies,” Commander Grey added reluctantly.
“Lady Grey must be an impressive woman,” Madam Gardenia laughed. “I’m honored to be here Commander Grey. And obviously the apology was completely unnecessary but appreciated.”
“Was that so hard?” Priscilla grinned triumphantly.
“First chance I get I’m telling your mother about your dirty jokes,” Commander Grey said threateningly.
“I’ll tell her where I learned them,” Priscilla replied cockily.
“If you don’t think I’ll take us both down you’re mistaken young lady,” Commander retorted.
“Don’t start anything you can’t finish old man,” Priscilla said calling his bluff.
“Lady Priscilla,” Madam Gardenia interrupted while gesturing at the surrounding area. Half of her courtesans were working diligently while the other half appeared to be roaming about confused about what to do. “Since you’re familiar with the village, would you care to assist me in getting everything up and running? I won’t be able to relax until I’m sure everything is in order.”
“I’d be happy to,” Priscilla said while glancing at her father to make sure it was okay, naturally the commander was more than happy to have his daughter off his back.
“Herald Frost, it’s been lovely catching up,” Madam Gardenia bowed politely. “I certainly hope that after you’re married you won’t be a stranger.”
“I assume you mean at the brothel,” Frost grinned impishly. “I can’t imagine taking a trip to Blackwater and not paying you a visit.”
“I look forward to it,” Madam Gardenia laughed before turning to walk away with Priscilla at her side. The way her fluffy tails bounced back and forth made Frost want to visit her brothel again just to spend the night cuddled up with her.
“Really?” Commander Grey scoffed while punching Frost in the arm. “It’s the day of your wedding and you’re already planning a trip to a brothel? You’re some special kind of scumbag, aren’t you? Why is the princess marrying you again?”
“Your guess is as good as mine,” Frost grinned. “She says because I’m a herald but I’m beginning to think she might actually like me.”
He really didn’t know what Brynn was thinking. He would think that marrying an elf-fucking herald of a cursed goddess would hurt her cause more than help it. But she seemed pretty sure that marrying him would legitimize her claim to the throne of Zira.
“Oh,” Commander Grey nodded. “That explains it. She’s a few bottles short of a barrel.”
“That’s where the smart money is,” Frost laughed while moving out of the way of a large grey Durra carrying four tables. The dog-eared man looked like a contestant in a strongman competition. “Think we should be helping?”
“I am helping,” Commander Grey said as he glared at two auburn-haired elves approaching them. Phyrra, the squire that lived with Shael, was escorting Hestia, the village alchemist. “I have the hardest job. Keeping you from plowing anybody but your wife.”
Phyrra was one of the more muscular elves in the village although it wasn’t as if any of them were bodybuilders. She was just a little taller than the rest and had well-defined arms, abs, and legs. She was also surprisingly tan for somebody who regularly wore plate armor. She possessed almost demonically red eyes which when combined with her build made her very intimidating.
Hestia was almost the complete opposite. She was feminine to the point of absurdity complete with wide hips, long legs, and a large chest. She was essentially a pale elf pin-up with glowing green eyes and an honest smile. Which is exactly why she was so dangerous.
The alchemist had a nasty habit of trying to sneak potions into food and drinks she offered people. Her sense of right and wrong was completely warped. The innocent looking elf actually believed that slipping people potions was okay as long as the potions were good for them.
The two elf women were dressed similarly in vibrant emerald gowns that hugged their waistlines and enhanced their bodies’ natural curves. The gold embroidery on the dresses outlined key areas including the open slits down the legs as well as the low cuts of their tops. They were simultaneously classy and distractingly provocative.
“Herald Frost,” Phyrra said excitedly while pointing at their dresses. “Have you seen the dresses Lishri made for everybody? She’s made one custom for everybody in the village! She’s so amazing! Don’t they look great?”
“You both look beautiful,” Frost acknowledged as Phyrra jutted out her chest proudly and Hestia blushed. Frost stared at Hestia while trying to figure out what was different about her. It took him a few moments but he eventually realized her ears were missing. “Hestia, where are your ears?”
“I’m hiding them!” Hestia said while tugging on an invisible appendage. It wasn’t so much invisible as it was effectively camouflaged. “They’re still there but I’m using a special lotion that makes them blend with the things immediately around them.”
“I could make a killing with a lotion like that,” Frost said as he contemplated starting a makeup manufacturing industry.
“I doubt it,” Hestia tapped her lip while thinking about what he said. “It’s really difficult to make and requires multiple rare ingredients. Also, it doesn’t last very long. Anybody with enough money to afford it would probably just hire an illusionist to glamour them.”
“That’s a thing?” Frost looked at Commander Grey.
“Mostly for noblewomen,” Commander Grey shrugged.
“Ok,” Frost said turning his attention back to Hestia’s ears. If he really paid attention, he could notice them but it did require some focus. “Well, I suppose I should ask why you’re using it?”
“There are going to be lots of human guests,” Hestia said anxiously. “Humans don’t like elves so I thought this would help.”
“If you’re worried about humans causing trouble, I wouldn’t be too concerned,” Commander Grey said confidently. “They all know to be on their best behavior and I have some of my boys coming here to help keep people in line should they need it. Last thing I need is this monster going on a rampage because of some drunk loudmouth.”
“We’re not worried!” Phyrra said cheerfully. “We’re excited for visitors!”
“Phyrra!” Hestia interrupted while dragging her off to chase after a Myrran male. “Look at him! He’s so cute! He’s almost like a girl!”
“We can’t wait for the ceremony!” Phyrra laughed as she went with the alchemist. “Congratulations Herald Frost!”
“That Hestia’s a little off, isn’t she?” Commander Grey said as the two women cornered the Myrran. “Something about her doesn’t sit right with me.”
“Your intuition never ceases to amaze me,” Frost laughed. “She’s fucking crazy. And I don’t say that often about the elves. I mean, they’re all a little off, not in a bad way or anything. They’re just way too nice and they’re always horny. They trust me and love me for no fucking reason. So yeah, they’re all a little off. But Hestia, she’s fucking crazy. She’s tried slipping me virility potions and says it’s okay because being more virile is a good thing.”
“Doesn’t sound so bad,” Commander Grey said. “I could do with some extra strength.”
“Yeah,” Frost shook his head. “Not that type of virility.”
“Oh,” Commander Grey laughed. “Yeah, sounds fucking crazy.”
“Still,” Frost bit his lip as he stared at Hestia’s round ass. “I bet she’s fucking amazing in bed. I mean, between being batshit crazy and an alchemist it’d have to be amazing, right?”
“Something’s broken inside of you,” Commander Grey said while shaking his head. “Anyway, let’s head back to my tent and play some cards to stay out of trouble.”
“I’ll join you,” Slade grinned while appearing out of nowhere. “Nothing better to do in this run-down shit-hole you call a village.”
“Probably should find a fourth,” Frost said while watching the line outside of Lishri’s large tent get longer. She was working overtime on last minute alterations to make each of the elves’ dresses fit perfectly. Frost stared at a stunning young fox-woman from Madam Gardenia’s establishment walk past him with a chair. She only had one tail and it wasn’t nearly as fluffy as the madam’s but he’d definitely cuddle with the golden-haired beauty. “You know, we could always invite a few women and…”
“I have one job Frost,” Commander Grey smacked him on the arm. “I’m not going to fuck it up. We can play with three. I’m sure my boys will arrive soon.”
“Boys?” Slade scoffed. “You talking about those cunts under investigation for treason?”
“Those would be the ones,” Commander Grey answered as they headed toward his tent. “You boys have rel don’t you?”
“I’m about to marry into a boatload of it,” Frost laughed. “But none on me.”
br /> “I’ll loan you whatever you need,” Slade smirked.
“And he’ll collect a finger if you’re late on a payment,” Commander Grey laughed. “I’ll spot you. Cost of keeping you on the straight and narrow I suppose.”
The soldiers were some of the first visitors to arrive and there was a surprisingly large number of them. They all went directly to the commander’s tent and before long they had a card tournament going on, which Commander Grey won with surprisingly little effort leaving Frost about fifty rel in debt to the old man.
A little later, the nobles began arriving and Frost rushed off to finish getting ready. By the time he was dressed and heading toward the venue everything was perfect. The elves were all dressed in elegant gowns and socializing and the nobles were shooting them dirty glares.
It was obvious the nobles would rather be anywhere other than a small village in the middle of a forest, but since Princess Fiora was attending they had no choice. Their general reactions to the celebration were a strange combination of indignation and frustration.
Not long after, Lady Grey and the others joined the party while Brynn waited patiently inside the temple with Lysandra. The old woman quickly grabbed her husband and dragged him off mingle while Frost looked around wondering what he should be doing.
“It’s surprisingly pleasant,” Princess Fiora said haughtily as she approached Frost. She glanced at the elegant dresses the elves were wearing and obviously wanted to inquire about them, but her pride prevented it. “Rather colorful for a wedding though. Did your pets plan all of this?”
Princess Fiora was the personification of nobility. Her long blonde hair always fell in perfect spirals and she always wore elegant custom-tailored dresses. She looked down on others despite being more than happy to use them when it proved beneficial to her and was happy to sacrifice them if necessary. But, to her benefit, she was shockingly competent when it came to running Blackwater.
“The elves do like color,” Frost said as she looked around at the completed venue. The elves’ bright hair and eyes were accentuated by their colorful garments creating a startlingly vibrant visual. Lishri and Mira managed to pull off a miracle getting that many gorgeous dresses finished in time for the ceremony. He’d realized he’d have to reward them both somehow. “But this was mostly Brynn. Butler outfit and personality aside, she’s surprisingly girly at times.”
“And she really enjoys flowers it seems,” Fiora said while looking around at the elaborate floral displays. She wasn’t wrong about the flowers and even Frost started to feel like the elves probably went overboard there. Every table had a colorful centerpiece, every corner of the tent had large vases filled with flowers, even the alter was completely covered in pink, yellow, and blue petals. “As much as it pains me to admit, it’s not the worst wedding I’ve attended.”
“That’s a little harsh,” Sir Isaac nodded at Frost as he approached the two. Both the elves and the noble women were staring at the group of soldiers coming from Commander Grey’s tent. They’d all changed into their dress uniforms and looked more like handsome princes than foul mouthed soldiers. Sir Isaac in particular cleaned up especially nice. The way his bright blue eyes stood out against his dark tan and black slicked back hair grabbed the attention of several noble women as he bowed to Fiora. “Princess Fiora, you look lovely as ever.”
“I’m a little surprised you have so many Ziran soldiers in attendance,” Fiora said in an aggravated tone as she ignored Sir Isaac. “Especially so many currently under investigation for treason, espionage, assassination, and dereliction of duties. Or should we believe that you just happen to be friends with men who supposedly tried to kill you?”
“I’m friends with lots of people who I’ve tried to kill,” Sir Adamus said while carrying a plate of meat. Frost looked around wondering where the well-dressed holy knight had gotten food since the reception was supposed to be after the ceremony. The tall muscular blonde grinned as he noticed Frost eyeing the plate. “Don’t underestimate my charm.”
“Don’t underestimate a courtesan’s love of coin,” Sir Isaac corrected.
“You two certainly seem comfortable here,” Fiora said haughtily. “I’ll be sure to include it in my report to the investigative committee.”
“As long as you report him as well,” Sir Adamus gestured at Slade flirting with several noble women. “He’s been here all day. He was even playing cards with Herald Frost.”
“Sitting at the same table playing cards?” Sir Isaac said feigning disappointment. “What type of man plays cards with a man who committed regicide? He should be investigated.”
“Absolutely,” Sir Adamus pointed at Slade. “I believe an investigation is in order.”
“I’m can’t believe you two can joke about that,” Sir Drake approached and immediately bowed to Fiora. “Princess Fiora. Commander Grey requested our presence just in case Herald Frost acted against any of the nobility. While these two may joke, I assure you we are all taking the investigation very seriously.”
“Kiss ass,” Sir Adamus punched the knight in the arm throwing him off balance.
“Pick a side kiss ass,” Sir Isaac added agreed, punching his other arm.
“I’ll keep it all in mind,” Princess Fiora said to Sir Drake while looking around. The nobility had congregated into their own area while the elves and soldiers did the same. It seemed that both Frost and Fiora found themselves in the section of the celebration the soldiers were claiming. “Herald Frost, congratulations on your marriage and I hope it solidifies a long-lasting peace between our two nations.”
“Thank you,” Frost nodded politely as Fiora made her way back to the nobility.
“I would love to spend a night with her,” Sir Isaac said while watching Fiora leave. “I’m sure I could put a smile on her face.”
“She wouldn’t even step on you,” Sir Adamus chuckled before turning to Sir Drake. “As for you captain kiss ass, a word of advice about investigations. The more you kiss their asses the more guilty you look.”
“Everybody knows that,” Sir Isaac gave Sir Drake a disgusted look. “First thing she’s going to do when she gets back to the castle is direct the investigators to look at you.”
“Very funny,” Sir Drake scoffed.
“They’re not joking,” Frost laughed while nodding along with the two soldiers. “You looked like you were hiding something.”
“Herald Frost,” Fayeth interrupted by politely tugging on his arm from behind. He turned and his jaw dropped when he looked down at the gorgeous blonde elf.
Fayeth’s long jade dress was lower cut than the other elves’ making her already massive chest look even more impressive. The stunning archer was also wearing her hair down instead of braids or a ponytail like normal which made her look like a completely different person. Several of the noblewomen glared jealously at the way the elf’s golden locks fell on her shoulders and enhanced the framing of her chest.
“It’s almost time for the ceremony,” Fayeth said while gesturing at the podium. “And keep your eyes in your head Herald Frost. If you want to look or play with them, all you need to do is ask, but today is Brynn’s day.”
“Right,” Frost nodded at the gorgeous elf. “Let’s go.”
Frost followed Fayeth up to the makeshift altar as the congregation started taking their seats. The courtesan ushers masterfully directed everybody to their respective areas based on Madam Gardenia’s instructions. He was impressed with how fluid everything was given the short time they had to prepare.
“Why am I up here again?” Ena blushed as she stood behind Renna on Frost’s side of the alter. Fayeth hopped up on the platform and turned gracefully as she took her spot between Ena and Shael. “Couldn’t you have gotten somebody else?”
“I could have. There were lots of volunteers,” Frost smiled at Ena who was clearly pleased to be there despite her objections. He stepped up onto the stage and admired the beautiful elves. “But you three were the first to find me,” Frost winked at Shael in the fourth spot. “And Shael won the drawing.”