Herald of Shalia 2 Read online

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  Iris managed to avoid sunlight almost entirely since her fair skin easily burned. The white-haired rabbit-girl spent most of her days under an umbrella or sprawled out indoors wearing only her underwear. On more than one occasion he’d walked into his room to see her long athletic legs spread open as she slept in her pink lingerie. The sexy former courtesans seemed to have more sets of transparent lingerie than actual clothing.

  “Herald Frost,” Iris rapidly jumped up and down. Her large breasts looked like they might fly out of her pink lacey top any moment. “Guess what, guess what, guess what, guess what.”

  “What?” Frost asked at the excited bunny-girl.

  “We’re going to be bridesmaids!” Iris said cheerfully. “I’m going to be part of a royal wedding!”

  “That’s right!” Zinnia said while jumping up and down. “We’re going to be bridesmaids!”

  “Everybody is going to be so jealous!” Jasmine looked like she was containing an explosion as she hugged herself. “I can’t wait! I’m going to do such a good job!”

  “Really?” Frost smirked at Brynn. He knew that she was struggling to select her bridesmaids for some time since none of the royals wanted to be involved in the wedding. Lysandra was out of the question since she was performing the ceremony and Frost already called dibs on Renna for his side making her choices even more difficult. “What triggered that?”

  “Do you really want to know handsome?” Brynn smirked wickedly while gesturing at the beast-girls.

  “I’m not sure now,” Frost said suspiciously. It wasn’t as if the three former courtesans were poor choices but they were odd ones given Frost’s behavior around them, which was best described as depraved. At one-point Brynn pulled Iris aside to check up on her only to walk away dumbfounded when the submissive Florenne tried to get her to join in. “Is this some sort of surprise?”

  “It could be a surprise,” the bard walked toward him seductively and stroked his chest. “There could be lots of surprises. And if there are, I’ve seen how amazing these three are with the children of the village and I got to thinking how wonderful they’d be helping with little surprises.”

  “I don’t like where this is going,” Frost chuckled while gently guiding her hand away. “Hate to be the bearer of bad news but I don’t plan on putting a surprise in anybody anytime soon.”

  “That’s why they’re called surprises,” Brynn smiled wickedly. “And if I’m going to be taken seriously as a candidate for ruler of Zira, I’m going to need to provide an heir handsome.”

  “Oh!” Lysandra said excitedly. “Could you imagine how fun having a cute little royal baby around would be! Babies are just the cutest!”

  “They really are!” Iris agreed.

  “You yelled for me?” Commander Grey grumbled as he walked into the temple obviously suffering from a hangover. Frost was more than happy to see the old man since it got him out of his current conversation but Commander Grey didn’t seem happy to see Frost. The bearded old man was wearing a ratty white tunic and some brown cloth pants he’d just thrown on before coming to the temple. The dark bags under his eyes and disheveled grey hair supported the idea that he’d just been woken up. “How the hell are you even alive right now after everything you drank?”

  “It was just wine,” Frost chuckled as he vaguely recalled him and the elves challenging the commander and a few of his men to a drinking competition. Ena, Fayeth, and Erissa tapped out early while Frost and Renna carried them to victory. “How are you so hungover?”

  “There’s something not right with you,” Commander Grey growled before turning to Brynn. The surprisingly muscular old man yawned and cracked his neck while still trying to wake up. “Anyway, what did you want?”

  “William,” a stern voice forced the commander to stand upright. An older woman in a green dress with long grey hair and soft friendly features appeared in the doorway behind the commander. “Is this the type of man you are when you’re away from home? You’re the type of man that’d take that tone with a woman on her wedding day? It’s downright shameful William.”

  “Herald Frost, Lady Brynn,” Commander Grey forced a smile. “Let me introduce you to my wife, Lady Grey. She arrived this morning.”

  “To a husband who’d clearly been up all night drinking. You should be grateful I allowed you to sleep in,” Lady Grey said with an alarmingly polite tone. “Herald Frost, Lady Brynn. It is an honor to make your acquaintance and I apologize for my husband’s lack of manners,” the old woman performed the most refined courtesy Frost had ever seen before turning to her attention back to her husband. “Do you have something to say for yourself William?”

  “I’m sorry honey,” Commander Grey sighed. The tired old man just wanted to be done with it so he could go back to bed.

  “Don’t apologize to me,” Lady Grey nodded toward Brynn. “And think of the example you’re setting for your men. They look up to you and emulate you. Not to mention you’re an ambassador now so manners are more important than ever.”

  “You’re absolutely right honey,” Commander Grey said, turning toward Brynn. “How may I be of assistance to you today Lady Brynn?”

  “Better,” Lady Grey said while walking over to her husband and pecking him on the cheek. Frost noticed the lady sneak a squeeze of her husband’s backside before stepping away. “There’s the charming man I married.”

  “Commander Grey,” Brynn said. “I need…”

  “Ambassador Grey,” Lady Grey corrected. “If you truly intend to be a queen one day Lady Brynn you should understand the importance of titles. Could you imagine if somebody walked in and called you Shepherd Brynn? Or…well, I suppose people do call the herald lots of uncouth things that don’t reflect his status.”

  “You mean like elf-fucker?” Brynn joked.

  “Or dog-fucker,” Zinnia added.

  “Cat-fucker,” Jasmine said excitedly dancing around. “Cat-fucker, cat-fucker, cat-fucker!”

  “Rabbit-fucker,” Iris added timidly while looking away.

  “All of you!” Lady Grey glared furiously at the four women. “That type of language is not befitting ladies! And on a wedding day no less! Have you no shame?”

  “But we’re not ladies,” Jasmine objected. “We’re courtesans.”

  “Former courtesans,” Zinnia corrected. “And now we’re royal bridesmaids!”

  “Bridesmaids!” Iris said with a huge smile. “I’m so excited!”

  “Even more reason for you to act like ladies,” Lady Grey said with a terrifying calmness as she picked up a wooden spoon from a nearby table. Both Frost and Commander Grey stood upright while Jasmine and the others sprinted upstairs. Lady Grey turned to Brynn. “Lady Brynn, if you don’t mind, I’ll be assisting you today. It’s clear that these young women have no idea how to properly act.” Lady Grey smiled politely while inspecting the spoon. “Yet.”

  “Right,” Brynn nodded nervously while turning to Commander Grey. “Speaking of acting properly. I need you to keep my fiancé from fucking anybody other than me. Think you can manage that?”

  “Lady Brynn,” Lady Grey slowly walked toward the stairs. “We can start by washing that filthy mouth out of yours. I don’t care how long you ran around pretending to be a man, that language is not befitting any lady, let alone a princess on her wedding day. You are an example to all of those around you Lady Brynn.”

  “Lady Grey,” Frost paused and stared at the spoon as Brynn rushed up the stairs to join the courtesans. “It is her wedding night so about the spoon…”

  “Oh,” Lady Grey stared at the spoon and blushed. “I understand completely and you have no need to worry Herald Frost, I’ll be careful not to leave any marks.”

  “Good,” Frost said reflexively before realizing the old lady didn’t actually say she wouldn’t use the spoon, just that she wouldn’t leave marks. But it was too late to argue as Lady Grey stomped up the stairs after the other women. He turned to Commander Grey and smiled. “How is Priscilla so unruly with a mother like that?”

  “Girl’s got a father like me,” Commander Grey said with a sad sigh. “So, I need to keep you from fucking anybody. That shouldn’t be too difficult.”

  “You say that,” Frost grinned mischievously.

  “Funny,” the commander chuckled before gesturing outside. “Let’s head over to that elf doctor of yours to get me something for my hangover first.”

  “You got it,” Frost nodded. “We also need to stop by Lyra’s so I can get the rest of my clothes. I only had time to grab pants. They might still be having breakfast so you may want to stand outside.”

  “For breakfast?” Commander Grey questioned.

  “You know,” Frost smirked. “Breakfast. Don’t worry, Brynn’s rule is I can’t fuck, not that I can’t watch.”

  “There’s something wrong with this village Frost,” Commander Grey grumbled as he led the way. “I swear to the fucking goddess Ziralia herself, there’s something fucking wrong with this village.”


  An hour later most of the elves were awake and rushing to finish decorating for the wedding. Most of the difficult tasks were already done but there was still an enormous amount left to do.

  Both the wedding and the reception were taking place beneath a massive tent in the large clearing right outside the village walls. Although the area was normally used for combat training with the children, they put a lot of effort into making it presentable. It was the only space large enough to accommodate all of the guests.

  Brynn sent out the necessary invitations and while the nobles in distant territories declined their invitations, virtually all of those from Blackwater were coming. It was both surprising and problematic.

  Frost wasn’t sure if it was because of the fear he and Brynn had in
stilled in the neighboring territory or the fear their new governess Princess Fiora inspired, but five hundred nobles accepted Brynn’s invitation.

  This created a host of problems for the small village.

  The venue problem was easily dealt with using a gorgeous fabric tent that Lishri crafted for them. Leave it to an Arachne to design a massive cloth structure supported by a few well place strands. The tent itself boasted intricate lace edgework as well as stunning floral designs of varying colors. It ended up being an absolutely amazing venue.

  A trickier problem was seating. Every household of elves had four chairs and a love seat since that was all that their small homes could fit. Counting the seating from the temple they’d only be able to seat about three hundred guests and the remainder would have to stand. That was sure to upset more than a few nobles.

  And then there were the tables themselves. Many of them were in need of sanding and staining before they were deemed presentable for a wedding but with only one novice carpenter in the village that wasn’t going to happen. Fortunately, Lishri offered to help with that problem as well.

  The large red-headed Arachne crafted tablecloths that matched the tent and with Mira’s assistance she was able to finish enough for all of the tables as well as matching cushions for the chairs. The two red-headed weavers made a shockingly good team.

  Still, even with all of their preparations, the elves were scrambling to get everything set up as best they could.

  “Herald Frost,” Priscilla panted as she rushed toward him while gesturing at three wagons waiting at the gate of the village. “Um, should guests be arriving so early?”

  Commander Grey’s daughter was a young beautiful knight with long brown hair and bright auburn eyes. She was also currently under investigation for crimes against Zira thanks to her associations with Frost. Until the investigation was finished, she was staying in the village.

  She was actively working as a tutor for young elves who wished to become knights and as it turned out, she had a knack for it. As a bonus, Commander Grey was more than happy to have his daughter in the village because it meant she wouldn’t cause any trouble in the city.

  “Oh,” Frost said excitedly. “That’s probably Madam Gardenia and the others!”

  “Madam Gardenia?” Priscilla tilted her head. “Wait, isn’t that Jasmine’s old…Herald Frost, when you say madam do you mean a literal madam?”

  “Yeah,” Frost nodded as he waived the wagons in. “She offered to bring us more chairs and tables as well as provide some support for a good price.”

  “Frost,” Commander Grey grabbed his arm. “Does your future wife know that you invited a bunch of whores to her wedding?”

  “Father,” Priscilla eyed him smugly. “I’m going to tell mother on you.”

  “Hypocrite,” Commander Grey grumbled as Priscilla smiled puckishly. “Fine. Courtesans. Does Lady Brynn know?”

  “Who do you think’s paying for it?” Frost smirked as the gorgeous fox-woman hopped out of her wagon and began gesturing at a bunch of her employees. Once they had their orders, Madam Gardenia sprinted over to Frost and gave him a hug. “Madam Gardenia. I hope you had a pleasant journey.”

  “I did,” the twin-tailed fox woman said cheerfully. She was wearing an elegant strapless red gown with golden embroidery decorating the top. He found himself thinking that between the red hair, red dress, and gorgeous curves she looked more like a certain famous rabbit than a fox. “We brought everything you should need.”

  “What are those women doing?” Commander Grey stared at the courtesans stripping down to their underwear as several beast men unloaded the wagons. It was mostly elves but there were also a few different types of women in the mix that Frost couldn’t help but stare at. “Snap out of it boy.”

  “Commander Grey,” Madam Gardenia bowed politely. “Herald Frost and Lady Brynn wanted the elves to be able to enjoy the festivities so he asked us to take care of the guests.”

  Several of the courtesans were shamelessly standing around in their underwear until one of the large Durra men started pulling out their luggage. Immediately the scantily clad women rushed to the cases and pulled out maid uniforms. Frost was admittedly a little disappointed when they started getting dressed.

  “When you say take care of,” Commander Grey joked as he stared at the maid uniforms that were more suited for Madam Gardenia’s establishment than a wedding.

  “Father,” Priscilla smiled and started walking toward the temple. “I’m telling mother that you’re being rude.”

  “Priscilla,” Commander Grey groaned as he tried to stop his daughter. He glanced back at Frost. “Don’t you fuck anybody while I’m gone Frost,” He said before continuing to chase after his daughter. “What have I told you about tattling to your mother!”

  “Things seem lively,” Madam Gardenia smiled as she glanced around the village. “This is a rather quaint village you have here Herald Frost. Everybody seems very happy. Do my girls like it here?”

  “They love it here,” Frost smiled as he realized that the beautiful fox-eared woman was actually hoping to see Jasmine, Iris, and Zinnia. “Jasmine helps everybody and puts on shows for the children…”

  “Shows?” Madam Gardenia raised an eyebrow.

  “Not those types of shows,” Frost laughed. “But comedy and adventure shows. Iris watches the children of the village whenever the elves want time to themselves and works as Shael’s teaching assistant.”

  “Iris is a teacher?” Madam Gardenia said in disbelief. “My timid little Iris is a teacher?”

  “Yeah,” Frost nodded. “And Zinnia helps Rania and Sumina care for the animals. At least when she’s not off hunting. She’s a surprisingly strong tank.”

  “Tank?” Madam Gardenia asked. “What’s that?”

  “Right,” Frost chuckled. He used the term on reflex but nobody in the world really understood it until he explained it to them. “She joins the elves hunting monsters and distracts or holds the monsters while…”

  “Isn’t that a little dangerous?” Madam Gardenia said disapprovingly. “I know Durra are strong but are you sure she should be doing that type of thing? She hasn’t really had any training and…”

  “Shael and I trained her up quite a bit before we allowed her to join hunts,” Frost reassured the worried madam. “Once she figured out that hunting was how we attained meat she pretty much insisted that she joins in.”

  “That does sound like her,” Madam Gardenia glared suspiciously at Frost as her red fluffy tails swayed back and forth. She smiled flirtatiously as she looked him over. “And what about you Herald Frost? Are you still taking good care of them?”

  “I just told…” Frost paused as he realized what she was getting at. “Really? Have a little more faith in me. Or do you want me to tell you about some of the other shows Jasmine’s come up with?”

  “Not necessary,” Madam Gardenia laughed as she glanced around at the village full of gorgeous elves. Courtesans were running around introducing themselves and offering to help with setting things up. Several of the elves in her group were curious of the villagers while others eyed them with suspicion. “My girls were worried that this was going to be a dark desolate place because of the rumors. I think they’re a bit shocked to see everybody so happy.”

  “Right,” Frost nodded. “The cursed followers of Shalia thing. Hopefully this helps them realize that the rumors are nonsense.”

  “Is it that important to you what a bunch of demihuman courtesans think?” Madam Gardenia asked politely.

  “Me? No,” Frost gestured at several of the elf children attempting to make themselves useful. “But it means a lot to them.”

  “To think somebody as soft as you killed twelve giants and the eight heroes in the same day,” Madam Gardenia playfully bumped against him with her shoulder. If he didn’t know any better, he’d have thought the fox-woman was actually interested in him.

  “Soft?” Frost chuckled. “Awfully bold accusation for somebody who buys clothing in bulk for all of your employee’s children.”

  “That’s a business endeavor,” the fox-eared madam smiled. “Loyalty is important. Because of the loyalty I’ve purchased nobody touches my business endeavors. I also own most of the property in the area so if I can increase the quality of the neighborhood the value of my property increases. I am certainly not soft.”